I’m thrilled to announce that renowned composer and performer Jools Scott will be joining me for a special guest appearance in ‘Bike to The Future’, at the Rondo Theatre, Bath on October 29th.
Composer, Pianist, Bon-Viveur…
Jools has a truly impressive track record, both as composer and performer. His Oratorio ‘The Cool Web’ was performed at St Pauls Cathedral in 2018. He has also composed scores for numerous films, games and audio books.
As a performer, Jools was onstage for the National Theatre/Bristol Old Vic production of Jane Eyre in 2015. He has played and recorded extensively with folk sensation Beth Porter, both as part of her ‘Availables’ and as a core member of ‘The Golden Eggs’. And he appears on keys with inimitable indie-folkabilly band ‘The Duckworths’.
Sobering Times
Jools and I have known one another for some time as part of the eclectic music scene in and around Bath. We established a rapport as fellow composers and discovered we had much to share in this capacity. However, meeting – as we generally did – at or after gigs and festivals, we realised we were rarely sober enough to have a sensible conversation. So, we got into the habit of meeting for breakfast (usually before Jools heads off to entertain tourists at The Pump Rooms in Bath).
Full English
Since you asked, we both favour a good Full English with a cappuccino. You didn’t? Well, you know now anyway. Over this hearty meal, it’s great to bounce around ideas and discuss plans. Actually, some of my Fringe shows have benefitted from these exchanges. And I hope that I’ve made some small contribution to Jools’ incredible work too.
Cast of Characters
Jools will be just one of a colourful cast of characters joining me on stage at the Rondo. I’ll share more about them as we approach the event. But, rest assured, this will be an evening to remember. Without giving too much away, this time you will get to hear the songs out loud. And you will be regaled with the stories that inform them. And (for the regulars) yes – there will be a choir!
See you there.