Just Songs EP Download

a Band named Brian - Just Songs EP download

“Agit prop for the modern age” BB Skone, Pure West Radio

Help Yourself

Please help yourself to the EP. Donations are gratefully received but not required: the main thing is for you to hear and enjoy our music. Many thanks.

Think of a Sequel – mp3 Download

“I was genuinely blown away by every aspect of your show; musically, theatrically, vocally, lyrically and most of all your youness”

Were You There?

If you were, you’ll surely want to relive the madness. And if you weren’t, you’ll be wanting to know what all the fuss was about. So why not download the live recording now and find out?

You can pay what you feel but £10 would be lovely. Your purchase will help offset the production costs and go towards development of future performances.

Name your price £

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