If you were at last week’s show, you will know that the underlying message was to make the most of our interactions while we can. We regularly neglect those that mean most to us. And we often miss the opportunity to let those that have inspired or helped us know how we feel about them.
The finale was this choral and dance piece ‘Sing as One’. Members of the Bath Spa University choir and BA Dance students worked together with Francis Faux (conducting), Michelle Rochester and Kara Herbert. The result, I hope you will agree, was quite magical.
The choir were originally going to be spaced around the hall, with the dancers moving out towards them from the centre. All would then move back to centre. We realised, however, that this was too complicated.
Francis suggested the choir should be together throughout, as the timing is both difficult and crucial to the piece. In the end, this turned out to be much better. The choir illuminating their scores from the darkness, with the dancers moving around them, created a very pleasing tableaux.
Sometimes an apparent practical obstacle can lead to a satisfying creative solution!