Think of a Conclusion – 7 Days & Counting…
With one week to go until Think of a Conclusion, things are hotting-up behind the scenes. Final rehearsals are taking place, the press is amassing on my front lawn, autograph-hunters are hiding in my hedgerow…
Well, maybe not. However, it is time to book your tickets if you’ve not already done so. If the level of interest I’m getting via social media and actual social interaction is anything to go by, then this should be the best-attended ‘Think of a…’ show yet.
So, please don’t miss out. Get yourself a ticket and let me know (so I don’t keep pestering you about it). I really don’t want to be a nuisance but consistently people ask, ‘oh, is that soon?’, ‘when’s it on?’ and ‘surely it should cost more than that!’ (OK, I may have made the last one up).
Let me know if (if???!) you are coming. Forward me a copy of your confirmation and I’ll send you a little something by way of thanks. Think of it less as a bribe and more an appetizer!
See you there!
Book Tickets
Tel: 01225 463362