Preparations for the ground-breaking premier of ‘Think of a Song’ are well under way. A major element of the project is the filming, which is being handled by Martin Tomkins. Martin has already created stunning images for the show (as seen on this web site) and specializes in music videos, working with some great breakthrough acts, such as Port Erin and Rivers of England.
‘Aren’t you in Rivers of England?’ I hear you ask. Well yes, I am. And that’s how I became aware of Martin’s work. His video for the band’s recent single ‘In The Barley’ is a thing of sublime beauty: using hundreds of still photographs to create a moving sequence. And not just any old shots: each is perfectly framed and employs natural ambient lighting to amazing emotional effect.
Take a look for yourself :
Click here to watch ‘In The Barley’ at Martin Tomkins’ web site
So what’s that got to do with this show? Quite a lot as it happens. A key element will be capturing the two performances – yes two. In case you missed it in the blurb, the show comprises two performances: one with and one without audience. The first will take place in advance of the public show on May 31st, in the empty space, before it is set up for the Fringe. This will be filmed and recorded, the audio then presented to audience members after the live show on a complementary CD.
The film will capture and blend the two parts. In the first , I will be thinking the intros and singing the songs out loud in the empty space. In the second, I will be speaking the intros, then thinking the songs ‘out loud’ in front of an audience (including you, hopefully…). As well as providing a document of this unique event, the filming will serve to underline the role of audience as participants. In essence, you are the show.
I’m really excited to be working with Martin on this and know he will do a great job. Please note that in booking your ticket, you agree to be filmed and have your image used within the resulting footage, which may then be posted online and broadcast through various channels and events.
Thanks for being a part of my show.